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Joseph  S. Mukeku

Community Design Architect &
Affordable Housing Specialist (Ph.D)


Mukeku is a community design architect. Mukeku has worked extensively on slum upgrading projects in Nairobi, and is continuously engaging with affordable housing solutions, incremental housing and infrastructure upgrading targeting the urban poor. Mukeku’s focus is on participatory, community-driven, scalable projects. An important component of his work is the mediation and liaison between different stakeholders, including local and central government, private sector, local organisations and the local community, in order to anchor the process and further push changes on-ground.

Publications & Seminars

2018. Urban Slum Morphology and Socioeconomic Analogies: A Case Study of Kibera Slum, in Urbanisation Journal 3(1) 1-14.

2012. Presented paper on participatory house construction processes at Approaches of informal settlement upgrading conference.

2010. Presented a paper on the benefits of green buildings rating and certification process at the Continuous Professional Development BORAQS seminar

2008. Presented a paper on harmonizing informality in urbanizing cities at Habitat Norway conference (Oslo, Norway)

2006. Presented design papers for a community center in the redevelopment of the Monte Carasso commune at the Urban design Seminar (Monte Carasso, Switzerland)

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